A lot of people know this group for one major hit. A-ha found fame with a song called "Take On Me" and a catchy video for it as the video alone propelled them to stardom."Take On Me" was the hit in America that sold them as stars and the second single "The Sun Always Shines On TV" followed. But it was the other way round for the Brits and the rest of Europe.
After that success, they had a lot to do to make a even successful second album. Not many people were forgiving - mostly the US and that's when A-ha saw their demise of pop icon status. People started to look to grunge and rock during the early '90's.
So it wasn't until 5 years ago, I heard a song that had a voice soothe my soul. It was soft and tender and I thought the voice sounded familiar but I brushed it off figuring I would never hear the song again and if I had found an album by this mystery voice, I'd most likely shelve it fast after the novelity of my soothing song. Fast forward to this year and my interest in
A-ha's whereabouts spiked when I realized I missed out on their very first album and the other songs it had to offer. What were they doing? Are they still together? I searched the internet and Yes, they were still together. After a hiatus in the mid '90s; I found they had released a new album in 2005, which was a 3 year gap between their last album in 2002. Well, they had been busy also with touring. Curiosity got the best of me and I hunted down a song or two. Which ended up with me buying their 2000 and 2005 releases.
I will start here with their 2000 release "Minor Earth, Major Sky," and it was the song "Velvet" that I had heard 5 years ago tug at my heart. A-ha's lead singer Morten Harket never sounded better and had aged gracefully, all of the members in fact. The album is pop and a chart topper at that. The album has more slower songs, but don't let that detier you from listening. "Velvet" was a song that was written by A-ha's guitarist Pal Waaktaar and with his wife Lauren Savoy for their band Savoy. The song serenades you about a woman who is like velvet, everything about her is velvet. The part that would be a chorus is not Morten singing, but the humming of the song's melody from a woman. Another song that is pure bliss is "I Wish I Cared" which was a internet only single the first of its kind. The song slowly creeps in and is slowly moving around you with a wish to be floating on clouds. The video is shot kind of like a ipod commercial with a shadow of Morten walking around a pink backround with a female presence. The beat is nice with the introduction of acoustic guitars during the chorus. The upbeat songs to hear are "Minor Earth, Major Sky". During the chours, the song gives you an emptiness wondering when you are going to touch down on earth, but end up with your feet on ground again with the reassureance of the guitars and drums breaking in again. The lyrics are simple but strong. "The Sun Never Shone That Day" sounds like it steals the drum beat of The Clash's 'Train in Vain', which makes it a classic song in my book. The title sounds sad, but it it guarantees you to keep smiling and tapping your foot along. Overall, this album is good and maybe to simple sounding to some, but it sure made them winners in Great Britian and even in The Guinness Book of World Records. Check out the song
"Summer Moved On" to hear Morten hold a note for 20.2 seconds!
2005 found them releasing "Analogue" which sounded much darker in comparison to "Minor Earth, Major Sky." The first single "Celice" talks lines of love that hurts, esp, with Mortens fallsetto during the chorus. The video for the song was shot in a bordello, making it be banned for the content. They really take advantage of the guitars for leading the way throughout the album unlike the drums and bass for the previous albums. The song that steals the album for me is a slower one, "Holy Ground" is compelling with a piano speaking from the gound up to the sky. The song was written by Magne Furuholmen, A-ha's keyboardist/guitarist a song about going your way and following your path where-ever it takes you. But the single "Analogue" shows that A-ha is truly here to stay and at the top of their game. It is the "Take On Me" of 2005. I think most
A-ha fans will agree with me.
This band makes some of the most sophisticated and timeless music, ever. Funny how now, 20 years on, people in the music business are signing the praises of a-ha. If you liked Minor Earth, Major Sky and Analogue, check out the album in-between, Lifelines. After having been a fan and seeing them live in 86, I lost track around 1992. Rediscovering them again thanks to some CDs picked up in Europe, I am totally redevoted! Check out their Live at Valhall DVD (Check out eBay to find one that will play on an American DVD player) and see why Europe, Britain and the rest of the world has known all along; that Morten Harket's ethereal voice sounds as good as ever, and yes, he really can hold that note in Summer Moved On at each and every concert.
Yeah, a-ha is a great band and deserve more recognition. I don't have "Lifelines"yet. Its in my wish list on Amazon. :)
I also found out that someone broke Morten's record for longest note held. An American band called Ra broke it.
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