Once upon a time there was a girl who deicded to make a album of Folkish Fairy Tale music. Drama and elegance was the game, Milla was her name. A blue eyed beauty who eventually became a Resident Evil and the color Purple - oops! I mean Ultra Violet.
That's her. Yes, really its Milla Jovovich at the age of 19 who sounds like a woman beyond her years.
The Divine Comedy is a album full of lush melodies and soft lullaby like tunes. Don't let that fool you because its an album to put on when you want to be taken away with. Its fun to listen to the charming mandolin workings in the songs.
The song "Gentleman Who Fell" was a single but really didn't reach the music masses who were too busy listening to grunge and hiphop. The song was good enough for me to see that Milla was at ease doing what she likes best. We even get a guest vocalist on this song, the ever talented Martha Davis of The Motels.
Its hard to describe this album so you wont think its full of nothingness. Its pure folk music with ukrainian influence flittering in each tune. Its an album that is Milla herself. Where she is from and her roots. I like that she didn't do the usual Pop/Dance album that most models do. She went far from that - almost on another level.
I will say my favorite song on the whole album is "Clock." This song is so neat with its keyboards and mandolins dancing around each other while Milla sings about being 'locked in a box with a window and a clock.'
The song was good enough that my sister did a cool mix of the song on her computer.
Driven by poets and artists, Milla puts out an masterpeice that should be in a museum next to a O'Keefe or a Monet.
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