From the words of Michael Jackson's song, I really "wanna be startin' something" different when I start to write a review on his
album "Thriller" but what can I say that someone hasn't already written already? All I can say is what this album makes me feel and the songs that I enjoy. To share my thoughts, feelings and memories. So that's what I plan on writing.
I guess I will start off by addressing the very first song "Wanna Be Startin' Something". What a great song to start an album and I think so because of the drum and bass lines in their rhythm that catches my attention. I usually listen to it so attentively that I forget to listen to Michael. The lyrics are simple and fun to sing along to. Within the lyrics we see that you don't want to be messin' with Mr. Jackson, only if you wanna be startin' something. We also get a glimpse of Billie Jean before we get to the song of the same name. Some people might get tired listening of the same lyrics for 6 minutes but it gets better when we get to the climax of a change of lyrics at 4:44 into the song, "Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa" and no instrumentation for 32 seconds before the instruments return and fade out.
"Baby Be Mine" wasn't my favorite song when I first heard it but that was a long time ago. Now hearing it again brings back memories and a whole new love for the song. What I love about this song is the synth-bass line which makes it a staple of R&B music and the smooth sexiness to it. The song picks itself up with the addition of a horn section which makes it more fun to listen to. I am not a huge fan of horn sections in songs but only if its written right for a song and here it gives the song flavor.
I am not going to get into the next three songs cause they are the three that made the record sell. We pick up the middle with the singles "Thriller" "Beat It" and "Billie Jean". What can I say that would do these songs justice? Not much, so I will say that I admire whatever inspiration these songs gave others to write and perform. These songs will become classics down the road.
"Human Nature" is an interesting song. This song wasn't even one song considered to be on the album but according to Q. Jones, they needed another "ballad/soft song" for the record to round it out. They picked this song because of the signature "why why, da da da da da , why why." it was then that Jones sent the song to John Bettis to write lyrics for the tune that Steve Pocaro of Toto had written. Now for me this song is the most innocent sounding song on this album. This song has always had a sadness or loneliness to it. For me the first time I can clearly remember hearing this song on the radio was when I was really little and I thought to myself that it was very sad it me. I didn't understand then and I still don't know why I still feel that way when I hear it. I think this track is one of the most amazing songs Michael has recorded.
The last upbeat song "P.Y.T" (Pretty Young Thing), is fun and catchy. Our P.Y.T's on this album include sisters Janet and Latoya Jackson, Becky Lopez and Bunny Hull. There is a great breakdown with Michael and the ladies singing back and forth. Near the end of the song we get a vocoder making Michael's voice sound like Alvin of the Chipmunks.
I can see why this album did so well during its time. Not only was it a Pop album but one with R&B, Dance and Rock rolled into one nice package that everyone could enjoy.
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